Home China Has 65% of Public EV Charging Stations Worldwide
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China Has 65% of Public EV Charging Stations Worldwide

Vyom Chaud
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Easy accessibility to charging stations is one of the essential requirements in the global push toward electric vehicles (EVs). Meanwhile, most of the world is still preparing to build the necessary infrastructure; China has already taken significant strides. According to the numbers presented by StockApps.com, 65% of global public EV charging stations exist in China.

China boasts of 1.1m charging stations

As the threat of Global Warming looms, more people are opting for electric vehicles. However, the adaptation hasn’t been swift in many parts of the world due to a lack of infrastructural support. Easy accessibility to charging stations is one of the most crucial concerns for prospective EV owners.

According to the latest data on Statista, China has a total of 1.15 million publicly available EV charging stations. This figure accounts for 65% of all public charging stations available worldwide. Of China’s total figure, 677,000 stations are slow-charging ones, while 470,000 are fast-charging stations. Thus, 41% of stations in China have the fast-charging capability. China has a disproportionately high number of stations compared to the rest of the world and a comparatively high share of fast-charging stations.

The United States of America finds itself in the distant second spot. According to the data, the US has only 113,527 charging stations, of which only 21752 are of fast-charging capability. Hence, a massive 81% of stations in the US have only slow charging capability. The huge gulf in the numbers of two countries is surprising considering the popularity of major EV maker Tesla in the US.

South Korea compares with the US despite having a minor population. The East Asian country has 106,701 public charging stations, including 15,067 with fast charging capability.

Expectedly, the list consists of developed economies from Europe, North America and East Asia. The Netherlands has the most public charging stations in Europe. It is fourth on the list with 85,453 stations. Three more European nations follow the Dutch in France (54,260), Germany (50,972) and the United Kingdom (36,984). 

In the rest of the list, Norway stands out the most. It has only 19,278 charging stations, but the Scandinavian nation has invested more in fast-charging stations. 35% of public EV charging stations in Norway have a fast-charging capability. 

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